Stinking Dapperling

Lepiota cristata

17th October 2019, Petts Wood and Hawkwood
Growing in leaf litter in broad leaf wood. Trooping group and scattered around. Cap 2-6cm, stem up to 4cm. Unpleasant smell. Officially the spore print should be white, so not sure why mine had a slight yellow tinge. ID is almost sure. Sporeprint White with slight yellowish tinge. Spores 4.5-7µ x 2.5-4µ.

17th January 2016, My Garden in Catford
Growing in soil in garden. One. Cap 4cm, height 4cm. Smell mushroomy, vegetative (potato?), slightly rotten. After cutting, sweet mushroom smell. Some kind of Dapperling. Could be Stinking Dapperling, although slightly off colour and smell not so stinky, but habitat is right. ID is possible.

18th September 2015, Knole Park, Sevenoaks
Growing in earth amongst grass and woody debris. One. cap 2.5cm, stem 4cm. strong musty smell. ID is almost sure. Sporeprint White. Spores 5-6.5µ x 2.5-4µ.
